These were some of the works I did for The Company Limitd, This Company is responsible for giant influencer's products such as Heyyy Gum by HeyMoritz, Emyo by Emir Bayrak, and Robs by CrispyRob.
This page is provided to show the work I have done for Robs Chips by CrispyRob, the work consisted of a broad range of tasks, such as 3D modeling, 3D texturing, 3D product shots rendering, and 3D animations. These tasks were given by different departments, such as the sales team, social media team, and design team. which for me was a great experience on how to work with other departments and understanding what the design I did was used for.
For more about Robs :
Instagram :
TikTok :
Robs mystery bags animation for new released flavour
This particular task was a quick task that I did for the newly released robs Chips flavor, this short animation purposely used for the before-release social media posts, to bring the hype up, and to make the audience wonder what is the new flavor going to look like, it was a fun short task, I just did the simple animation, and the main point is the light, which I feel satisfied with the result.
Final Video
robs mixed spices reveal animation
This task was the extension of the tasks before, the social media team needed animations for the new flavor, they wanted it to be a revealing animation, and this asset was used for social media and YouTube. the tasks consisted of retexturing the chip bag, rearranging the lighting, and animating keyframes on the 3D model, at the end compositing and rendering it out to import it to after effects and export it as video files.
Final results
robs mixed spices rocket ship
On this task, I got some briefing from the campaigning team, they asked me to 3D model the mixed spices bag into a bag with rocket propulsion, and they needed it quickly, i had only 2 hours to build the rocket propulsion, texture them, and animate the rocket firing and to prepare the 3D file to be ready to use for the campaigning team, this rocket was used by Rob's mixed spices video release on youtube. I love this task cause of my freedom on how the rocket propulsion should look.
robs social media animation and gif
This task was a short one, they needed some animation for the 3 puffs flavors for social media posts, my part was to animate and render the animation as a video file, which will be further used by the graphic design department.